Tuesday, December 29, 2009

U.S. Financial Crisis Hits College Students


For most students, borrowing money has become a necessary part of going to college. The average student now graduates with at least $21,000 in debt and it is not at all uncommon for students to graduate with $100,000 in debt or more. At the same time, tuition at private universities and colleges has enormously increased—far ahead of inflation.

Parents are losing their jobs or their salaries are declining, so family contributions to education costs are decreasing. These factors mean that students from an increasingly broader economic spectrum are more dependent than ever on student loans.

That is why every student who is attending or is applying to college right now must be horrified by what is taking place in the financial markets. In February, it became clear that what was originally reported by the mainstream press as a crisis in the risky subprime mortgage market, was now affecting what have been traditionally thought of as incredibly stable investments—like bonds for student loans.

Here’s what is happening: many state and local governments secure money for public or quasi-public programs through a venue that most people have never heard of called the market for auction-rate securities. Before the financial crisis, auction-rate securities offered the government borrowers a very low interest rate and it offered lenders (banks and other corporations) ready access to their cash investment through regularly scheduled auctions for the bonds, where they could sell their investment and get their cash back on sometimes a weekly basis. They were earning a higher return than they would with their money in a bank.

All the investments were insured by companies called bond insurers, which specialize in guaranteeing this kind of debt. Here is where things started to unravel. These bond insurers also insure other types of debt—like subprime mortgages. Now that these insurance companies are going to have to secure those loans, the banks don’t think they can guarantee student loan debt as well.

But that is really just one aspect of the crisis. Sallie Mae, the biggest lender to students, reported a $1.6 billion loss in the last financial quarter. This was largely reported as resulting from a huge increase in defaults on these loans. The amount of debt that the Department of Education alone has accumulated from student loans is now more than $40 billion dollars. In fact, right now the only bright spot in the student loan market for investors is in the private collection agency market, which is reporting record profits.

On top of that, the federal government, which subsidizes many student loans and regulates the interest rates as well, cut its subsidies in 2007, further aggravating the default situation and the credit crisis.

All this means that what was once considered one of the safest investments is now among the most risky, with students failing to pay off their debts and no one available to insure the loss.

Therefore, at the auctions for these loans lately, no one has been showing up to buy them—which means that the source of money for student loans is drying up and, not only that, the interest rates on the loans are spiking sharply.

What does this mean for students? States and universities all over the country are cancelling their student loan programs. Several private lenders are withdrawing from the market altogether. And even loan programs backed by federal government guarantors, like the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, a state institution, has announced it is abandoning its federal student loan program. State agencies all over, including Michigan, Montana, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Iowa, and more have announced cutbacks in their student loan programs in recent weeks.

Most students will not be applying for their loans for next year until this summer. So far, the federal government has been telling them they have nothing to worry about. U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings told Congress on March 14 that students could just borrow directly from the Department of Education, through what is called the direct-loan program. When asked whether the Treasury Department—the same one that is busy bailing out huge banks like Bear Sterns and funding the multi-billion dollar war in Iraq—is going to be able to come up with enough money to account for the loss of much of the state and private student loan industry, the Secretary merely replied that she would be ready.

But despite the rosy and calm picture presented by the Department of Education, the student loan industry continues to crumble, and students are bound to be affected by either enormous interest rates or no loans at all. Students from the states affected so far have already reported deciding to leave their four-year university for a community college, or having to drop out of school altogether. Many of these students have already completed some of their education and are already in debt. Leaving school early will leave them high debt burdens and few prospects for well paying jobs.

Although there have been many struggles over the rising cost of education over the years, the readily accessible access to funds through loans and the promise of a relatively high-paying job upon graduation have kept some of the broader layers of students out of the movement. Now, neither of those factors is a guarantee. With students over the summer facing the prospect of being locked out of access to higher education altogether, this economic crisis may quickly become a political one amongst youth.

The Impact of Financial Crisis on How Students Pay for College; The US experience



By Arthur M. Hauptman
The recent failure of several major financial institutions, widespread credit squeeze, and big drop in stock prices have led to what is considered by many as the worst financial situation in the United States since the Great Depression in the 1930s. This crisis has had or will have major impacts on most sectors of the US economy--including higher education, which now accounts for roughly 3 percent of the US gross domestic product. While this article views American issues, the global impact of the financial difficulties in the United States means that many countries around the world may face similar challenges in charting the course of their economies and in financing their higher education systems.

Most comments about the effects of this financial crisis on higher education have focused on the possible drying up of student loans. However, the impact on the ability of students and their families to pay for college will likely extend, including whether many families can still use home equities to pay for college and how the downturn in the stock market affects the growing dependence on family savings for tuition and other expenses. The financial crisis will also involve large ramifications for many aspects of institutional finance such as whether endowments and gifts continue to grow as they have in the recent past, as well as how colleges and universities price themselves.

Complicating this discussion is the lack of comprehensive or reliable data on the effects of the current financial squeeze on any of these resources for higher education. But each of these plausible effects is worth investigating and policymakers ought to consider how to deal with them.

Student Loans
Three basic kinds of student loans now exist in the United States--two of them created in federal legislation. The largest source of student borrowing in the United States is the federally guaranteed program first established in 1965. The private lenders are insured against most losses via federal and state guarantee arrangements; these loans account for more than half of all student loans in the United States, which now amount to nearly $100 billion annually.

In the 1990s, the federal government created a direct-loan program working directly with institutions to provide loans to students. Although this federal program now represents less than one-fifth of all student borrowing, it has introduced competition into the marketplace as private lenders and servicers can no longer threaten to vacate the student-loan field if their legislative demands and needs are not met.

Private loans without federal involvement or guarantee have been the fastest-growing component of the student-loan market in the United States in recent years, for they have been used to make up for the difference in what colleges charge and what aid is available from various sources, including federally based loans. These private loans have mushroomed over the past decade to account for 20 percent or more of the total student borrowing.

Based on statistics provided for the 2007/08 academic year, the current financial crisis seems to have had thus far a relatively modest impact. The federal student loan volume grew by about 10 percent between 2006/07 and 2007/08. By contrast, private loans reached a plateau, and volume stayed fairly level. This status reflects the fact that most students and parents had made their borrowing arrangements for the current academic year before the worst of the crisis hit.

In the 2008/09 academic year, student borrowing will likely be affected by recent events in the financial markets. Clearly, private student loans will be most affected, as the credit crunch will most likely impact nonguaranteed and nonsubsidized loans. Private nonguaranteed lending may drop by half or more over the upcoming year as previously available sources of capital will dry up and disappear. The effect of this drop-off will be most pronounced for students in higher-priced private institutions and for-profit trade schools, where in recent years a growing number of students and parents have come to rely on private loans to make up the difference in federal loan limits and the higher prices charged at these institutions. At private, nonprofit institutions, tuition and fees now average $25,000 per year, and total costs of attendance including charges for housing and meals average nearly $35,000. Annual costs at for-profit trade schools--on average, $13,000 in 2008/09--are less than at private nonprofit institutions but still twice as much as the tuition and fees charged at public four-year colleges and universities, which average $6,600 in 2008/09.

By contrast, federally guaranteed loans and direct-loan volume have only marginally been affected by recent events. In fact, Congress this year took steps to ensure the continued availability of federal capital so that students could be assured that loans will be available next year and the following year.

Home-Equity Lines of Credit
With the rapid increase in tuition over the past quarter century and the even more rapid growth in housing prices over the past decade, lines of credit based on the value of a family's home equity have become an increasingly popular way for many American parents to pay for college. Under this arrangement, parents can borrow against the portion of the value of their home that exceeds what they owe on it. Also, those using home equity lines of credit qualify to take tax deductions on the interest they pay on these lines of credit under current tax rules. Although precise data are not available, a reasonable estimate is that this form of finance provides perhaps $10 billion dollars in loans used to help pay expenses related to higher education.

But the current financial crisis is likely to put a real squeeze on this popular source of student finances. Many banks are simply reluctant to lend in a market where the value of houses--the collateral for these loans--has dropped sharply, making this form of financing much more problematic. It is reasonable to assume that the amount available through this source to help parents pay for college also will drop sharply in coming years, at least by one-quarter and perhaps by as much as half.

Drawing on Savings
Because of the high and growing prices for higher education in the United States, parents increasingly realize they must save while their children are young in order to pay for at least some of their college costs. This saving takes many forms including investing directly in stocks and bonds and through participation in mutual funds, retirement accounts, and pension funds. The use of savings for college in the United States has further expanded through the enactment of a series of provisions that extend tax benefits for savings allocated into designated college savings accounts. But the recent loss in stock market values of more than one-third from previous highs could have a huge negative impact on the ability of many parents to pay the high prices of college in the United States.

As in the case of home equity lines of credit, the amount of savings used to pay for college has expanded sharply in recent decades. The next year or two will be marked by re-evaluations of how family savings will be used in the future to pay for college. A reasonable surmise is that the changing financial situation will have a greater impact on where students go to school than whether they continue their educational career at the postsecondary level. Thus, parents may be more likely to tighten their belts and ask or require their children to attend public institutions located in state where tuition and fee levels are one-fourth of what private colleges charge. Again the effect is likely to be most evident in the admissions process for the 2009/10 academic year as students and their families make plans for next year.

In sum, the financial crisis could affect the plans and decisions of hundreds of thousands if not millions of current and prospective students in the United States, regarding whether and where they enroll in postsecondary education. The institutions most likely to be affected are those in the private sector because of the higher prices they tend to charge, but enrollments in all types of institutions will be affected by recent financial events here in the United States. It would not be surprising to discover similar if perhaps milder effects in many other countries experiencing the effect of worldwide financial difficulties.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Student Loan Debt Elimination


Are you a recent graduate and have found yourself in thousands of dollars of debt? The realty of your current financial situation may be taking a toll on your health and well-being along with your empty pockets. Do not continue to live a life of worry regarding your debts. Allow easystudentloanoptions.com to show you how you are able to receive student loan debt elimination help. In regards to completely eliminating your debt the only way to do so is to file bankruptcy. This option should be your absolute last as it is a strenuous and stressful process. Furthermore, with bankruptcy you will carry with you a poor credit history and you will not be able to receive any credit for at least seven years. As you can see there are many cons but the pros include financial freedom as your current debts will be forgiven. You must ensure that you do all of your research and come to the conclusion that this is the only option for you. Our advice to you is to please look at all of the factors and speak with knowledgeable experts on the subject. With this option you will receive the student loan debt elimination help that you are looking for, but remember that there are other avenues you can pursue.

Having troubles with your debts, do not stress any longer. Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we can assist you with cleaning up your debt situation. We provide useful advice for those who are looking for student loan debt elimination help. You may have recently graduated and are looking for a way to avoid paying interest when your grace period of non payment starts or are an individual whom graduated years ago and are looking for a way to stop paying all the interest you have been paying for the past number of years. Speak to a credit counsellor to clear up any questions you may have regarding student loan debt elimination and start on the road to financial freedom today. By talking with a credit counselor you will be able to make an informed decision on the right payment plan for you. By learning your options you will have piece of mind that there is a road to financial freedom that you can take. Start the journey today with easystudentloanoptions.com.

Student Loan Debt Consolidation


Receiving student loan debt consolidation help can be a difficult and trying process. Finding the right company and agent to assist you can be a gruelling task. Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we will match you to an agent that can assist you with your specific needs. Some recent graduates have large loans, some have less, some have multiple credit cards and others just have their student loan. Whatever your circumstances we will provide student loan debt consolidation help to whoever asks. Our guarantee is that you will the debt relief that you are searching for. After filling out our forms and speaking with an agent we will promptly start the process of decreasing your monthly payments. A student loan debt consolidation plan can be tailored to your circumstances and with our knowledgeable professional’s you can be sure that you are receiving the best student loan debt consolidation help on the market. We know the right questions to ask and the right people to talk to, in order to get you the best deal. Start the student loan debt consolidation help procedure today.

If you are having trouble paying off your substantial student loans we can assist you in finding a way to decrease your payments. One option is to get student loan debt consolidation help. If you do not find the right company to help you with this process it can be a long, difficult and complicating process. At easystudentloanoptions.com we take the guess work out of the loan consolidation procedure. Our agents will take you step by step, guiding you through the paper work and making phone calls to companies for you. For quick and thorough student loan debt consolidation help contact our knowledgeable experts today. You will be on the fast track to financial freedom before you know it, allowing yourself to shed the stress that comes with debt. If you would like to live this life, start the consolidation process now.

Student Loan Debt Relief


If the thousands of dollars in debt that you racked up during your university and college days are excessively out of control consider receiving student loan debt relief help. You are in the right spot for the best assistance when it comes to finding loan relief assistance. Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we have to best advice and resources to connect you with the best student loan debt relief help. By speaking with a credit counsellor you will be able to see the bigger picture of your debt and find ways in which to decrease it in a quick and efficient manner. There are many options and by reading our articles and filling out our student loan debt relief help form our agents can assess your individual needs and circumstances, therefore matching you to the right process for your debt relief. Do not hesitate to contact our agents here at easystudentloanoptions.com today to start the procedure as soon as possible.

Student loan debt relief help is possible to receive through our programs at easystudentloanoptions.com. Our agents assist graduates who have excessive student debt and turn their lives around, getting them ahead of the game by decreasing their student loans with a few easy steps. To learn the tips of decreasing your student loans fill out our questionnaire and an agent will contact you based upon your needs. You will be matched with a specific debt relief program that will enable you to make smaller payments on your loan and still pay off more of your principle debt. Some student loan debt relief can come through government assistance. Currently there is some funding due to the recession and the government knows that it is a difficult time for recent graduates. The key to receiving this student loan debt relief help is know where to find it. Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we can show you where to find this aid, taking advantage of the governmental assistance while it is available.

Student Loan Debt Forgiveness


Are you aimlessly searching for financial assistance as you cannot afford to pay the astronomical interest on your student loans? Worry no more, easystudentloanoptions.com will show you how you can receive student loan and debt forgiveness help. The process can be made simple with our assistance. We can connect you with those that offer student loan and debt forgiveness help. If you have graduated or are graduating from a medical field you can receive aid if you volunteer your services in a country that desperately needs medical attention. Think of all the great work you will be able to do, while getting the necessary experience that you need. You will be saving lives and making a difference in the regions that you are donating your time to, all while decreasing and even eliminating your debts. If you cannot find a job in your medical field due to the economy put your skills to use helping those in foreign countries. You will in turn reap the benefits of student loan debt forgiveness.

Are you experiencing stress surrounding the repayment of your student loan? Look no further for aid your saving grace can be found here on easystudentloanoptions.com. We offer advice and guidance for recent graduates. We can help you find student loan and debt forgiveness. You have many avenues in which you can receive loan forgiveness; here we walk you through your options. Contact one of our experts today and begin on your road to financial freedom. One way you can find student loan and debt forgiveness help is to join the military service or the peace core. Not only will you experience financial forgiveness you will be making a difference in the world. You will gain character, skills and knowledge that will benefit you in your daily life, not only while in the military or peace core but also when you are completed serving your time. These are great options for any individual speak with us today to find out how you can join the thousands of other individuals who are experiencing financial assistance.

Private Student Loan


There are multiple types of student loans. One type is a private student loan which you can apply for through different providers. The major benefit to a private student loan is the flexibility of it. You can apply for a private loan whenever you need during your post secondary educational years. Whether you are in your first year and need to purchase a new laptop or in your fourth year and would like to buy a car to travel to a co-op position you have the freedom to take out a private loan. Private student loans are fairly easy to obtain if you know the right companies to speak with. Allow easystudentloanoptions.com to assist you in the discovery of all the private student loans available to students just like you everyday. Our experts are ready to talk with you today, start the process now and receive financial aid soon.

Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we can show you how to receive a private student loan. With good credit and a co-signer the process is simple and quick. If you do not have both of these then we can show you an alternate way to obtain a private student loan. Please be advised to try to win scholarships, or get grants before applying for private students loans. These are opportunities for free money from the government or your personal school that you will not have to pay back that you can use to pay for your schooling. At easystudentloanoptions.com our agents will show you how to obtain a private student loan if you have exhausted all of your other opportunities for funding. Keep in mind that private student loans are easy to get but may come at a price. Do not take advantage of the money you are receiving and be sure to use it to pay for your education. Get your private student loan now by speaking to one of our experts today.

Federal Student Loan


Obtaining a student loan can be a long and trying road. Consider receiving a federal student loan. Allow helpmeloan.com to answer all of your federal student loan questions and make the process easier for you. A federal student loan allows for lower interest rates and longer graces periods after graduation. If a federal student loan is appealing to you get started on the application procedure today with the help of our agents. Another benefit is flexible credit requirements; this will help you receive your loan quicker and easier. Anyone can apply for a federal student loan and you may use your funding towards tuition and text books. If you are wondering how much aid you can receive, ask our professional agents for assistance and make the procedure faster. Start the process today and obtain money tomorrow.

With a federal student loan there are so many benefits. Here at easystudentloanoptions.com we can tell you what they are and why you will prosper with a federal student loan. With so many options out there it is hard to know what loan you should apply for, we can straighten out your questions surrounding all of the processes and assist you with your applications. One benefit with a federal student loan is that while you are in school you will not have to make any payments. Furthermore, with a federal student loan you will have a longer grace period when you are finished school. A grace period refers to the amount of time you do not have to pay any money back after graduation. Allow us to help you through everything to do with a federal student loan and make the process easier on you.

Student Loan Resolution Settlement


Speaking with a debt resolution settlement firm is becoming an increasingly popular way to decrease and even eliminate credit card debt and student loans. The way these firms work are through a negation with the debt resolution company ant the credit care company. Typically the debt resolution firm is able to reduce the amount owed by 50%. Each company will determine what they feel is a fair and logical new amount that you will be required to immediately pay in full. There is no catch to the way that this arrangement works. You may be required to pay the new sum in full, or your debt resolution settlement firm may arrange to pay the amount for you to the creditors and you can pay the firm back in due time. The only downside is that you may be left with poor credit for a little while. Before you use a debt resolution settlement firm to pay down your student loans, be sure to weigh all of your options. If you determine that using a debt resolution settlement firm is your best route contact us to put you in touch with the best.

If you are a student and are struggling with paying down all of the debt you have acquired while going to school stress no more. Contact a debt resolution settlement firm today for assistance with reducing your debt. You may wonder why a firm would be able to negotiate with your credit card companies and arrange a lower payment. Well the reason is that a company will accept a resolution settlement if they know that the person requesting this payment option is facing bankruptcy and would rather receive a smaller portion of the fee than none of it. A debt resolution settlement is the fastest way to eliminate your credit card debts acquired while being a student. With the experience of being a student, we all know how stressful debt can be. Contact our debt resolution settlement experts today to obtain assistance with determining what the best process for you will be in order to pay down your debt in the fastest amount of time possible.

Student Loans Company


After not hearing a thing for months, I received this letter from Pauline Curran, the Collections Operations Manager of the Student Loans Company. - Possibly due to my now excellent Google ranking or from FaceBook referrals.

It appears that Ms Curran (if indeed she exists) although has a very high powered job title, appears to be either without the full facts of this case, or fails to understand that:

If deferment is granted then arrears are not appropriate, or
You cannot chase loan repayments if you have no evidence to show that loan exists in the first place.
Of course I've drafted a reply, which I'll post on Monday. I'm not sure if it will arrive within the 14 day deadline, as Royal Mail are once again on strike next week. I guess that the worst thing that will happen is that the matter will be passed to Smith Lawson & Company Recovery Services, and the whole merry-go-round will start again.

Oh and a big hello to Pauline Curran - Collections Operations Manager of the Student Loans Company (or whoever it is who works under her name) This letter is for you - instead of waiting for the post, read it here now.
As you'll read in my letter, unless Student Loans Company come up with something a little more substantial I will not be responding to any more letters. Of course anything I receive from them I'll post up here. From previous experience if you visit again in Mid to late November 2007, I may have further news to post.

I have received a letter dated 23rd October 2007 from Jim Crockert of the Arrears Correspondence Division of the Student Loans Company. Jim Has kindly sent me copies of all my loan agreements , which does include one for the account in question. I wonder what stopped them sending me this all those months ago? As this is now going in the same direction that it was back then further updates will be shorter, and shown here.

If you have any comments or advise, as ever check out the CAG website, or email me:


Financial Trouble


We can see there are a lot of students who are unable to join college due to lack of financial Assistance or due to lack of proper savings and carelessness of the parents. But there are People who can join the college but they don’t have the money to finish the college.

These people are also called as losers because they are losing their money and period of time too. It is very unfair to have these kinds of people. The major reason for these kinds of people due to the commercial colleges and universities where the richest people have the Attitude to study good education and employment.

The financial troubles have also assisted the people to discontinue their studies due to lack of money. Their future had become a challenging task to run. They don’t have enough Money to resume their studies or if they want to work means they don’t have a proper degree of Concern. One proper solution is to offer more industrial and beneficial studies at a lower cost where one can get employed and make way for the future.



Student loans are the most type of loans that are considered upon banks. Now there are many banks offering student loans for the people who are unable to get their basic education. Today many banks have been offering student loans at very low interest per annum.some of the banks are ICICI, SBI, etc…

Student loan is one of the important aspects because some of the students in the world are unable to have their education. Students who are willing to have their education at will start off but they are unable to get finished. Today we can see many people who do not have enough money to overcome their basic needs. So the government had decided to give education to all. So they have laid enough plans to remove the poverty At all stages.

In today’s case financial crisis had also become one of the major causes for unemployment and in turn it produced a lot of illiterate Peoples. So the government also had to eradicate their plans to meet the needs of the people. Finally they had concluded that the educational loans are given at all levels quickly and easily. We have to say that the people all over the world will think to improve himself and the country too.



There are different types of student loans provided for the educating people and depending upon the need and the condition of the student and the economic background of the people. This may also depend upon the period of payment and the amount required. We can classify the loans provided for the people into some of the following types.

  • The government sectors directly provide loans for the students. The period of payment and the loan amount required will be decided by the money getter. They will be provided at very low interest rate than any other private sector banks.
  • Other than the public sectors there are also some types of funds provided for the education of the students whose parents were working in the public sectors.
  • There are also private sector banks that provides loans for the people who have the need to get the loans and not available at the public banks. Their interest rates will be normally higher than the public sector banks.
  • The people of middle class and who are able to repay the student loans can get the student loans I the general student category now most of the loans were provided on these type.
  • The difference between the public sector loans and private sector loans is that the students on the public loans can get more scholarships higher than the private sector loan lenders. But the private loans are easier to pay and they have many more benefits. They can get the loans at proper time than the public sector loans. But the amount will be decided by the banks itself.

Future Dreams of Student


In colleges the students have own dream of their future and his properties which he acquire. Depending upon their studies they will have a field oriented dreams of their own. If they have got a good job they expect some good salary and after some years they have a increment in their salary, then financial improvement and after some years working in the same company he got bored and change his attitude towards some other company of higher concern and higher payee.

Even he doesn’t know what are the qualities needed for a better professional he will start to dream in his own way. Because dreams can have the capacity to shape up a man according to his aim.Most of their dreams come false but there are some people who can strongly hold on their aim and fix their target towards the future. For a brighter future these are all some of the essential needs. To have their own path. Sometimes the teachers would stand upon the side of the students to achieve their aim. Any way a student needs a bigger dream to have a brighter future. But the recent incidents

Like economic crisis have flattered down the dreams of more and more number of people n many ways. Students are made to shift their aims where they can get their better opportunity. Sometimes the dreams must be strongly fixed to their heart even if they have not achieved it. But mentally and economically strong people have the aspect to have a brighter future.

Student Loan Scams


Student loan scams are the most heinous financial and identity theft crimes. The companies that commit this crime know the desperation and naive nature of parents and students. In addition to this, they are familiar with the high tuition costs to enter into Colleges or Universities; thus using this advantage they lure unsuspecting parents and students into impulse purchasing of student loans.

If you are looking for financial relief through a student loan, it is important that you research student loan options at your local library, or financial bank, or credit union. If you arm yourself with information about avoiding these scams, you will be given a student loan from a reputable bank or financial group that will provide adequate tuition for you.

Types of Student Loan Consolidation Scams

Types of Student Loan Consolidation Scams

Taking into account the volume of consolidations and the student's inevitable need to consolidate their loans for better management, there are unscrupulous people who are involved in fooling students.

  • Bribery: The first and the most common form of scam is by bribing the educational institution to recommend a particular organizations' consolidation scheme without giving a choice to other more beneficial options.
  • Fraud committed by Impersonation: Applying for a loan making use of the details of a genuine student. These frauds come to light only at the time of repayment, because that is when the student would get notice about the repayment dues of the loan he did not apply for.

Effects of Student Loan Consolidation Scams

  • Students trapped unknowingly in impersonation fraud face the consequences of repayment and legal action.
  • Students desperation to get a consolidation loan forces them to provide critical details to unreliable sources and puts them at considerable risk.
  • Students are not given the best choice of loan consolidation due to the collusion with the lending institution.
  • There is a heavy repayment burden and the high cost of loans endanger the students.

Precautions Against Student Loan Consolidation Scams

Student loan consolidation in general is NOT a scam, although some consolidation companies can use marketing tactics to make you think you are getting something you are not!

It is always best to do a federal loan consolidation (versus a private loan consolidation) with your Stafford and PLUS loans. This allows you to change your interest rate from a variable interest rate (that can go up each year) to a fixed rate (the rate won't change from year to year).

  • Do a federal loan consolidation (versus a private loan consolidation)
  • Do not provide critical information to third persons and unreliable sources.
  • Do not show your desperation to third persons.
  • Do not opt for the first lender for consolidation loans.
  • Perform enough research before accepting or proceeding with a consolidation loan.
  • Be informed about of the various scams.
  • Never ignore any piece of information and unsolicited letters in your name.

What To Do If You've Been Scammed

The first thing you should do if you believe that you have been scammed by student loan consolidation fraud is to write down details regarding your interactions with the company. Then, contact your creditors and the Better Business Bureau so that they become aware of the scam.

Student Loan Consolidation


All your loans will be paid by one company only. Student loan consolidation allows the students to combine all their loans from various lenders into one and pay only one interest amount at a reduced rate. After consolidation, students will have to pay only one monthly installment to a single company, relieving the headache of multiple installments and higher interest rates.

Consolidate Student Loans PictureMake an Informed Decision

If you need to consolidate student loans then carefully observe the pros and cons of the consolidation. Before going for student loan consolidation, think about the factors given below:

  • In the consolidation process, all your loans are treated as single and have fixed interest rates. Whether the rate increases or decreases, it is not going to affect you. So, if the rates are going to plummet, it is better for you to wait and watch.
  • Make sure that you can consolidate student loans as you can avail consolidation for most federal loans which includes FFELP loans, Perkins, NSL, Guaranteed student loans, FISL, Health Professional Student loans, HEAL, and direct loans.
  • Remember that consolidation extends the overall loan term because you are creating a new loan.
  • Consolidating all your loans is not a good idea because the rate of interest is fixed after finding out the average of all the interest rates. You may consider leaving the highest rate loan out of the consolidation.

Benefits of Consolidating Student Loans

Consolidating student loans can be beneficial in several ways:

  • Convenience - Students with multiple loans also have to make multiple payments every month. That means there's more paperwork and due dates to keep track of and a better chance that one of them won't get paid. With consolidation, there's only one loan payment due every month instead of two, three, etc. That's usually easier for most students and graduates to manage.
  • Save Money - A student with three outstanding loans may be required to make $150 payments each month to all three lenders. That's a total of $450 per month. After consolidation, only one payment is required and that payment is usually much less than the combined payments from all of the loans. That can be a huge benefit for students who are just getting started in their careers and who don't have the income necessary to cover large loan expenses right away.
  • Additional Opportunities - Students may be given new deferment choices and/or more repayment possibilities. This added flexibility can come in handy for students wishing to continue their education even further, struggling to find employment in their field, or experiencing financial hardships.

Student loan consolidation is a great option. The difficult part is to find a loan consolidation company that meets your requirements. Consolidate Student Loans Today!

Getting Quality Distance Learning Education

It may seem like a legend, but you actually can get quality education without being completely hassled and scammed by these "diploma mills" that pump out courses after courses of useless information that are apparently supposed to give accredited diplomas to graduates. Instead, a quality distance learning education can actually get you the full diploma that you need from your own home with the quality instruction of paid teachers and interaction with other students through a variety of multimedia sources and components. This allows you to grasp as much of the educational experience as possible.

In order to decide if a distance learning education is the right path for you, you should determine if you have the learning style that would benefit from such an education. If you are good at motivating yourself to do well and to complete assignments on time, you will do well at distance learning. You are your own accountability weapon, so you need to ensure that you will work hard to get the projects and assignments done on time. If you are not good at self-motivation, you may want to select traditional schooling so that a teacher can instruct you with some of techniques to get motivated.

Success At Distance Learning

Distance courses are great ways to pick up a little bit of extra learning if you are unable to attend a traditional school or if you are busy. You can gain advanced training this way and can pick up some additional courses or credentials for your resume through a distance learning education. These courses can also be very effective for first-time students that are a little unsure about their future in education as they might provide an adequate snapshot of the educational process. It can be a great help for those that need specialized training for their jobs, too.

There are many reasons to pursue distance learning education courses. You should find out how this may work for you so that you can reap the benefits of an online, distance education and discover a whole new way to learn. The best part about these classes is that you can set your own hours and set up your own learning plan to help accommodate your busy life and introduce time management skills to your repertoire. You never know what skills you could learn in organizing your education through a distance learning education and these skills could be helpful in the rest of your life.

All About Distance Education

If you are shopping around for a post secondary education, one of the options on your top list of schools might be an online school through distance education. Distance education is a method by that a student does not have to go to a school or any specific educational location to learn or gain knowledge. Technology instead allows communication between a subject area and a student. The student only has to go to class for exams.

1. How It Works

Instead of being taught hands-on by a professor, you will do the bulk of your studying alone in the comfort of your own home. Through educational materials and sources you will do the same activities that other students would be required to do. Some more expensive programs allow you to video conference with the instructor or at least download recordings of each of their lessons.

2. Check Your Mailbox

As a student enrolled in distance education you will receive quite a lot of mail. Everything from workbooks to videos, audiotapes, and CD-ROMs and books will be included for you to study.

3. Part Time Or Full Time?

It really is up to you how you structure your studies, although most students go part-time because they are busy with other activities. It is also possible to do a research study. This type of education is being offered at any level. Usually, it is given to university level studies.

4. Essential Distance Education Tips

- Manage your time effectively
- Don't fall behind on your studies
- Keep studying and play separate
- Ask questions via email or phone to your professors
- It won't be easier than a normal program - you still have to work hard

5. Disadvantages To Online Learning

Online learning sounds great! The hours are flexible, you don't need to commute, you can even spend all day at home in your pajamas. Or you can work full-time, and then do your courses in the evening. All of those are excellent advantages to online learning. But there are a few disadvantages that you should know about before making your decision.

1. You do a lot of leaning on your own

If you're one of those people that finds they learn the best by listening to a professor and attending a class, online courses will be difficult for you. A lot of the learning is strait out of a textbook.

2. You need to be self motivated

A lot of online courses let you choose your own pace. That's great! But if you're one of those people that need specific deadlines to get anything done, online learning might not be the best course. If you're a procrastinator, you might find it difficult to study online.

So, if you're a motivated self-learner, an online program would be perfect for you.

Distance Learning in Education Services to Enhance Your Expertise

Distance learning in education services prepares students for various careers in the field of education. Some of the educational services are elementary and secondary school teacher, college and university faculty, instructional coordinator, vocational education teacher, remedial education teacher, students counselor, library technician, self enrichment teacher and training specialist. Apart from these careers other educational services include education product design and development services, education course and curricula development, international education consulting services, international credential evaluation, etc.

Distance learning in education services enhances your expertise in specialized teaching techniques such as how to create a successful classroom literacy program, how to better examine and expand student's varying learning styles and intelligence levels, and how to utilize technology to enhance and facilitate the learning process. A degree in education accompanied by a strong academic background gives you confidence and professional expertise in the field of teaching.

New Opportunities

Distance learning in education services, also offer advanced degree courses in education administration, education supervision etc. Education administration degree courses are available in school finance and budgeting, school law, community relations, etc. Education supervision degree courses are available in human relations, curriculum development, supervision of instruction and curriculum, etc.

The best universities in the UK in the Good University Guide

CAMBRIDGE and Oxford now rank among the top three universities in the world, second only to Harvard in the US, according to the latest global rankings published today.
Both British universities have moved up in the rankings for 2006, with Cambridge knocking the Massachusetts Institute of Technology off the No 2 position and Oxford advancing from fourth position to third. MIT is tied for fourth place with another US university, Yale.
The findings will bring cheer to Britain’s higher education sector at a time when some universities are giving warning that chronic underfunding of undergraduate teaching, poor cost recovery on research contracts, salary rises and increased administration costs are pushing their accounts into the red.
This week Oxford said that it was facing a “grave deficit” in its teaching accounts and that an increase in tuition fees was inevitable if standards were to be maintained.
Eric Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University, said yesterday that the new £3,000 tuition fee limit was not enough to fund higher education and suggested it should rise to £5,000 a year.
Despite these concerns the university world rankings, produced by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES), confirm Britain’s position as a centre of global educational importance.
Harvard, whose endowment of $26 billion (£13.8 billion) exceeds total annual funding for all British universities, tops the table but its lead over its closest rival has fallen, from 13 per cent last year to just over 3 per cent over Cambridge this year


College Mission Statement NWC London is dedicated to contributing to the worldwide communities through the pursuit of high-quality yet affordable education and learning, striving to achieve the highest levels of excellence for our students.Principal's Message "At NWC London, we are focused on preparing our students for a successful future.We set high expectations for all of our students while providing a learning environment that encourages and nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and responsible citizenship.If you are hoping to become part of our College Community, I am confident that you will find our staff and students both helpful and friendly and that your stay with us will be an enjoyable and successful one.Our staff and lecturers are committed to ensuring that all of our students achieve their full potential. Much will be demanded of you, but remember, the rewards are great."
Admissions and Administration Dept. North West College London Alperton House Bridgewater Road Wembley, Middlesex HA0 1EH,United Kingdom tel: +44 (0) 20-8305-8690 fax: +44 (0) 20-8819-7227 email: info@nwclondon.co.uk web: www.nwclondon.co.uk
Kevin Ovard,Principal


Associate DegreesGraphic Design
Wade College
A program that prepares individuals to apply artistic and computer techniques to the interpretation of technical and commercial concepts. Includes instruction in computer-assisted art and design, printmaking, concepts sketching, technical drawing, color theory, imaging, studio technique, still and life modeling, communication skills and commerc...
Associate DegreesGeneral Merchandising + Sales + Related Marketing Operations Other
Wade College
Any instructional program in merchandising, sales, and related marketing operations not listed in the General Merchandising, Sales, and Related Marketing Operations, General category.
Associate DegreesFashion + Apparel Design
Wade College
A program that prepares individuals to apply artistic principles and techniques to the professional design of commercial fashions, apparel, and accessories, and the management of fashion development projects. Includes instruction in apparel design; accessory design; the design of men's', women's', and children's' wear; flat pattern design; comp...
Associate DegreesInterior Design
Wade College
A program in the applied visual arts that prepares individuals to apply artistic principles and techniques to the professional planning, designing, equipping, and furnishing residential and commercial interior spaces. Includes instruction in computer applications drafting and graphic techniques; principles of interior lighting, acoustics, syste...


electrical/electronic/VLSI/Telecommunications/Software,....University has Excellent program in EE and CS. Many companies are located near University Campus.... The University has excellent reputation for CS..... The principal concentration areas for the M.S.E.E. program are: Communications and Signal Processing; Digital Systems; Microelectronic Circuits and Systems; Optical Devices, Materials, and Systems; and Solid-State Devices and Circuits. For EE dept Undergraduates must have 3/4 GPA and GRE scores of at least 1200 (verbal + quantitative) or 1800 (verbal + quantitative + analytical). UTD and Jonsson School have maintained closed ties with Texas Instruments and corporations such as Alcatel, Nortel, Ericsson, Nokia, Worlcom/MCI, Lucent, and many others.
Industry leaders in Richardson telecom corridor? have joined with UTD and Jonsson School to conduct research, share resources, enhance educational opportunities and develop new technologies.


College Mission Statement NWC London is dedicated to contributing to the worldwide communities through the pursuit of high-quality yet affordable education and learning, striving to achieve the highest levels of excellence for our students.Principal's Message "At NWC London, we are focused on preparing our students for a successful future.We set high expectations for all of our students while providing a learning environment that encourages and nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and responsible citizenship.If you are hoping to become part of our College Community, I am confident that you will find our staff and students both helpful and friendly and that your stay with us will be an enjoyable and successful one.Our staff and lecturers are committed to ensuring that all of our students achieve their full potential. Much will be demanded of you, but remember, the rewards are great."
Admissions and Administration Dept. North West College London Alperton House Bridgewater Road Wembley, Middlesex HA0 1EH,United Kingdom tel: +44 (0) 20-8305-8690 fax: +44 (0) 20-8819-7227 email: info@nwclondon.co.uk web: www.nwclondon.co.uk
Kevin Ovard,Principal


So you want to study abroad? Good idea. But choosing the right host country is probably the most important decision you'll ever make, one that will affect the course of your personal and professional life for many, many years. You'll be leaving your country for a new culture, a new way of life, and new people.
Almost as important as the academic advantages of an international education are the chances it offers to experience life abroad. Quite simply, there is no better environment for Indian students to take hold of their future...and be the best they can be. A study abroad education in the UK or USA has always placed great importance on the ability of students to work independently and to develop their own thinking.
The end result is that students emerge from an international education not only with a thorough understanding of their subject but also with analytical abilities and problem-solving skills that are much prized by employers in later life.

world best 100 universities

Our list of top 100 universities and colleges in the world is displayed below. This top colleges and universities list has been created after careful consideration and evaluation of numerous factors, including reputation, competitiveness, admissions criteria, etc. Like all lists of top universities and colleges, the criteria used to determine rank is somewhat subjective. We highly recommend that you use our list of top 100 universities and colleges as a rough guide.
Rank Name of University Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 University of Oxford UK
3 University of Cambridge UK
4 Stanford University USA
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA
6 University of California, Berkeley USA
7 California Institute of Technology USA
8 Princeton University USA
9 Yale University USA
10 University of Chicago USA
11 Columbia University USA
12 University of California, San Diego USA
13 Cornell University USA
14 University of California, Los Angeles USA
15 University Pennsylvania USA
16 University of Wisconsin, Madison USA
17 University of Washington, Seattle USA
18 Tokyo University Japan
19 University of California, San Francisco USA
20 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor USA
21 Kyoto University Japan
22 Imperial College London UK
23 Johns Hopkins University USA
24 University of Toronto Canada
25 University College London UK
26 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign USA
27 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Switzerland
28 Washington University, St. Louis USA
29 New York University USA
30 Duke University USA
31 University of Minnesota, Twin Cities USA
32 Northwestern University USA
33 Rockefeller University USA
34 University of Colorado, Boulder USA
35 University of California, Santa Barbara USA
36 University of British Columbia Canada
37 University of Maryland, College Park USA
38 Utrecht University Netherlands
39 University of Texas, Austin USA
40 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center USA
41 Pennsylvania State University, University Park USA
42 University of California, Davis USA
43 Vanderbilt University USA
44 University of California, Irvine USA
45 University of Paris 06 France
46 University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh USA
47 University of Southern California USA
48 Rutgers State University, New Brunswick USA
49 University of Manchester UK
50 Karolinska Institute, Stockholm Sweden
51 University of Munich Germany
52 Technical University of Munich Germany
53 University of Florida USA
54 University of Edinburgh UK
55 Australian National University Australia
56 Carnegie Mellon University USA
57 University of Copenhagen Denmark
58 University of Zurich Switzerland
59 Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel
60 Osaka University Japan
61 McGill University Canada
62 University of Bristol UK
63 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill USA
64 Uppsala University Sweden
65 Ohio State University, Columbus USA
66 University of Paris 11 France
67 University of Sheffield UK
68 University of Heidelberg Germany
69 University of Oslo Norway
70 Case Western Reserve University USA
71 Moscow State University Russia
72 University of Leiden Netherlands
73 Purdue University, West Lafayette USA
74 University of Helsinki Finland
75 University of Rochester USA
76 University of Melbourne Australia
77 Tohoku University Japan
78 University of Nottingham UK
79 University of Arizona USA
80 Michigan State University USA
81 King's College London UK
82 Boston University USA
83 University of Basel Switzerland
84 Stockholm University Sweden
85 Brown University USA
86 University of Goettingen Germany
87 Rice University USA
88 Texas A&M University, College Station USA
89 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan
90 University of Birmingham UK
91 University of Utah USA
92 University of Freiburg Germany
93 McMaster University Canada
94 Nagoya University Japan
95 University of Iowa USA
96 University of Strasbourg 1 France
97 Ecole Normale Super Paris France
98 Indiana University, Bloomington USA
99 Arizona State University, Tempe USA
100 University of Rome La Sapienza Italy

World's Best Colleges and Universities

These rankings are based on data from the Times Higher Education-QS World University Rankings, in association with QS Quacquarelli Symonds.

* Top 200 Universities
* Asian and Middle Eastern Universities
* Canadian Universities
* Australian and New Zealand Universities
* British and European Universities

* About the Rankings
* Engineering and IT Universities
* Natural Sciences Universities
* Life Sciences and Biomedicine Universities
* Arts and Humanities Universities
* Social Sciences Universities

America's Best Graduate Schools

More than 1,200 schools are ranked and included in our directory of graduate level programs.

* Business
* Law
* Medicine
* Engineering
* Education

* The Sciences
* Library & Information Studies
* Social Sciences & Humanities
* Health
* Public Affairs
* Fine Arts

Finding a Top College in the USA

One commonly asked question here at USA Education Guides is “What’s the top college in the USA?” Like anyone else, you want the best. But from our point of view, we encourage you to expand this question a bit, instead asking yourself, “What’s the top college in the USA for me?”

If we were interested in only providing you with a limited list of every top college in the USA, we would be leaving out a lot of important information. Selecting a school is a decision that should be based on you, catering to your unique preferences of school type, areas of study, location, size, campus culture, and so much more. Deciding on a top college in the USA is an important personal choice—and one that we’re here to help you with!

At USA Education Guides, we offer free search tools that allow you to search for a top college in the United States, based on as many criteria as you need to narrow down your search! What will you find? You’ll find comprehensive, in-depth profiles of thousands of accredited colleges and universities in the USA, complete with contact information and more.

You can also request information from a top college in the USA just by filling out a short informational form. Just check off the accredited schools you want to hear from, and before you know it, they’ll be contacting you to help answer all of your questions.

USA College

Every spring since 1991, USA Today selects 20 students from across the country who not only excel in the academic environment, but who are also active on both campus and in their community to be a part of the All-USA College Academic First Team. The candidates must be juniors or seniors with high-grade point averages, honors, or awards, and must demonstrate great activity in student leadership.

With this criteria in mind, the 2009 winners represent a wide range of backgrounds and interests. For example, Kelly Zahalka, who attends the United States Naval Academy, is a competitive swimmer, and the first woman to graduate from the U.S. Navy Dive School in Pearl Harbor. Allen Cheng, from Harvard University, spent a summer managing a program distributing supplies to health clinics in Tanzania. He is also the president of the campus kendo club. Virgil Secasanu, on the other hand, developed a device that improved treatment methods for a type of cardiac disorder for his senior thesis at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

USA Today also selected a second and third team of students, which includes Henry Donaghy, of the U.S. Naval Academy, who is researching an electron beam weapon, and Jason Young, from Miami University, who helped Peruvian indigenous Amazonians gain title to their ancestral lands. In addition to listing the winners, USA Today also published a list of “honorable mentions,” and gives each student a cash award of $2,500.

The students are chosen by a panel of judges, who review hundreds of nominations sent in by colleges and universities across the country. The judges for 2009 were Frank J. Balz of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU), Robin Burns of the American Association of University Professors, Penelope Earley from George Mason University, and Christie Garton, a publisher and author who was on the 2001 All-USA College Academic First Team.

The awards are co-sponsored by the NAICU, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the American Council on Education, and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.

Susan Weiss, managing editor of USA Today’s Life section, stated that “We’re delighted to honor such a multi-talented group of achievers.” A press release from John Hilkirk, the paper’s editor, echoed Weiss’s sentiments, saying that USA Today was “pleased to be able to honor academic excellence and community service throughout the country.”

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